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StartBulkVolumeWriteRequest Class

StartBulkVolumeWriteRequest StartBulkVolumeWrite enables you to initialize a bulk volume write session on a specified volume. Only two bulk volume processes can run simultaneously on a volume. When you initialize the write session, data is written to a SolidFire storage volume from an external backup source. The external data is accessed by a web server running on an SF-series node. Communications and server interaction information for external data access is passed by a script running on the storage system.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  SolidFire.Element.Api
Assembly:  SolidFire.SDK (in SolidFire.SDK.dll) Version:
public class StartBulkVolumeWriteRequest : RpcBase

The StartBulkVolumeWriteRequest type exposes the following members.

Public methodStartBulkVolumeWriteRequest
Initializes a new instance of the StartBulkVolumeWriteRequest class
Public propertyAttributes
JSON attributes for the bulk volume job.
Public propertyFormat
The format of the volume data. It can be either of the following formats: uncompressed: Every byte of the volume is returned without any compression. native: Opaque data is returned that is smaller and more efficiently stored and written on a subsequent bulk volume write.
Public propertyScript
The executable name of a script. If unspecified, the key and URL are necessary to access SF-series nodes. The script runs on the primary node and the key and URL is returned to the script, so the local web server can be contacted.
Public propertyScriptParameters
JSON parameters to pass to the script.
Public propertyVolumeID
The ID of the volume to be written to.
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodToString
Builds a json-enabled string of all the properties and their values in this class.
(Inherited from RpcBase.)
See Also