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SnapMirrorRelationship Class

SnapMirrorRelationship The snapMirrorRelationship object contains information about a SnapMirror relationship between a SolidFire volume and an ONTAP volume.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  SolidFire.Element.Api
Assembly:  SolidFire.SDK (in SolidFire.SDK.dll) Version:
public class SnapMirrorRelationship : RpcBase

The SnapMirrorRelationship type exposes the following members.

Public methodSnapMirrorRelationship
Initializes a new instance of the SnapMirrorRelationship class
Public propertyClusterName
The name of the destination ONTAP cluster.
Public propertyCurrentMaxTransferRate
The current maximum transfer rate between the source and destination volumes, in kilobytes per second.
Public propertyDestinationVolume
An object describing the destination volume.
Public propertyIsHealthy
Whether the relationship is healthy or not. Possible values: true: The relationship is healthy. false: The relationship is not healthy. This can be caused by a manual or scheduled update failing or being aborted, or by the last scheduled update being delayed.
Public propertyLagtime
The amount of time in seconds by which the data on the destination volume lags behind the data on the source volume.
Public propertyLastTransferDuration
The amount of time in seconds it took for the last transfer to complete.
Public propertyLastTransferEndTimestamp
The timestamp of the end of the last transfer.
Public propertyLastTransferError
A message describing the cause of the last transfer failure.
Public propertyLastTransferSize
The total number of bytes transferred during the last transfer.
Public propertyLastTransferType
The type of the previous transfer in the relationship.
Public propertyMaxTransferRate
Specifies the maximum data transfer rate between the volumes in kilobytes per second. The default value, 0, is unlimited and permits the SnapMirror relationship to fully utilize the available network bandwidth.
Public propertyMirrorState
The mirror state of the SnapMirror relationship. Possible values: uninitialized: The destination volume has not been initialized. snapmirrored: The destination volume has been initialized and is ready to recieve SnapMirror updates. broken-off: The destination volume is read-write and snapshots are present.
Public propertyNewestSnapshot
The name of the newest Snapshot copy on the destination volume.
Public propertyPolicyName
Specifies the name of the ONTAP SnapMirror policy for the relationship. A list of available policies can be retrieved with ListSnapMirrorPolicies. Example values are "MirrorLatest" and "MirrorAndVault".
Public propertyPolicyType
The type of the ONTAP SnapMirror policy for the relationship. See ListSnapMirrorPolicies. Examples are: "async_mirror" or "mirror_vault"
Public propertyRelationshipStatus
The status of the SnapMirror relationship. Possible values: idle transferring checking quiescing quiesced queued preparing finalizing aborting breaking
Public propertyReleationshipType
The type of the SnapMirror relationship. On SolidFire systems, this value is always "extended_data_protection".
Public propertyScheduleName
The name of the pre-existing cron schedule on the ONTAP system that is used to update the SnapMirror relationship. A list of available schedules can be retrieved with ListSnapMirrorSchedules.
Public propertySnapMirrorEndpointID
The ID of the destination ONTAP system.
Public propertySnapMirrorRelationshipID
The unique identifier for each snapMirrorRelationship object in an array as would be returned in ListSnapMirrorRelationships. This UUID is created and returned from the ONTAP system.
Public propertySourceVolume
An object describing the source volume.
Public propertyUnhealthyReason
The reason the relationship is not healthy.
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodToString
Builds a json-enabled string of all the properties and their values in this class.
(Inherited from RpcBase.)
See Also