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SnmpV3UsmUser Properties

The SnmpV3UsmUser type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAccess
rouser: read-only access. rwuser: for read-write access. rosys: for read-only access to a restricted set of system information SolidFire recommends that all USM users be set to "rouser" access, because all SolidFire MIB objects are read-only.
Public propertyName
The name of the user. Must contain at least one character, but no more than 32 characters. Blank spaces are not allowed.
Public propertyPassphrase
The passphrase of the user. Must be between 8 and 255 characters integer (inclusive). Blank spaces are not allowed. Required if "secLevel" is "priv."
Public propertyPassword
The password of the user. Must be between 8 and 255 characters integer (inclusive). Blank spaces are not allowed. Required if "secLevel" is "auth" or "priv."
Public propertySecLevel
noauth: No password or passphrase is required. auth: A password is required for user access. priv: A password and passphrase is required for user access.
See Also