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SnmpNetwork Properties

The SnmpNetwork type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAccess
ro: read-only access. rw: for read-write access. rosys: for read-only access to a restricted set of system information SolidFire recommends that all networks other than the default "localhost" be set to "ro" access, because all SolidFire MIB objects are read-only.
Public propertyCidr
A CIDR network mask. This network mask must be an integer greater than or equal to 0, and less than or equal to 32. It must also not be equal to 31.
Public propertyCommunity
SNMP community string.
Public propertyNetwork
This parameter ainteger with the cidr variable is used to control which network the access and community string apply to. The special value of "default" is used to specify an entry that applies to all networks. The cidr mask is ignored when network value is either a host name or default.
See Also