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Snapshot Properties

The Snapshot type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAttributes
List of Name/Value pairs in JSON object format.
Public propertyChecksum
A string that represents the correct digits in the stored snapshot. This checksum can be used later to compare other snapshots to detect errors in the data.
Public propertyCreateTime
The time this snapshot was taken.
Public propertyEnableRemoteReplication
Identifies if snapshot is enabled for remote replication.
Public propertyExpirationReason
Indicates how the snapshot expiration was set. Possible values: api: expiration time was set by using the API. none: there is no expiration time set. test: expiration time was set for testing. fifo: expiration occurs on first in first out basis. Warning: This member is returned but may have an incorrect value. Do not use.
Public propertyExpirationTime
The time at which this snapshot will expire and be purged from the cluster.
Public propertyGroupID
If present, the ID of the group this snapshot is a part of. If not present, this snapshot is not part of a group.
Public propertyGroupSnapshotUUID
Universal Unique ID of the group this snapshot is part of.
Public propertyInstanceCreateTime
Public propertyInstanceSnapshotUUID
Public propertyName
A name for this snapshot. It is not necessarily unique.
Public propertyRemoteStatuses
Replication status details of the snapshot as seen on the source cluster.
Public propertySnapMirrorLabel
Label used by SnapMirror software to specify snapshot retention policy on SnapMirror endpoint.
Public propertySnapshotID
Unique ID for this snapshot.
Public propertySnapshotUUID
Universal Unique ID of an existing snapshot.
Public propertyStatus
Current status of the snapshot Preparing: A snapshot that is being prepared for use and is not yet writable. Done: A snapshot that has finished being prepared and is now usable. Active: This snapshot is the active branch.
Public propertyTotalSize
Total size of this snapshot in bytes. It is equivalent to totalSize of the volume when this snapshot was taken.
Public propertyVirtualVolumeID
The ID of the virtual volume with which the snapshot is associated.
Public propertyVolumeID
The volume this snapshot was taken of.
Public propertyVolumeName
See Also