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ModifyVirtualNetworkRequest Properties

The ModifyVirtualNetworkRequest type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAddressBlocks
The new addressBlock to set for this virtual network. This might contain new address blocks to add to the existing object or omit unused address blocks that need to be removed. Alternatively, you can extend or reduce the size of existing address blocks. You can only increase the size of the starting addressBlocks for a virtual network object; you can never decrease it. Attributes for this parameter are: start: The start of the IP address range. (String) size: The number of IP addresses to include in the block. (Integer)
Public propertyAttributes
A new list of name-value pairs in JSON object format.
Public propertyGateway
The IP address of a gateway of the virtual network. This parameter is valid only if the namespace parameter is set to true (meaning VRF is enabled).
Public propertyName
The new name for the virtual network.
Public propertyNamespace
When set to true, enables the Routable Storage VLANs functionality by recreating the virtual network and configuring a namespace to contain it. When set to false, disables the VRF functionality for the virtual network. Changing this value disrupts traffic running through this virtual network.
Public propertyNetmask
New network mask for this virtual network.
Public propertySvip
The storage virtual IP address for this virtual network. The svip for a virtual network cannot be changed. You must create a new virtual network to use a different svip address.
Public propertyVirtualNetworkID
The unique identifier of the virtual network to modify. This is the virtual network ID assigned by the cluster. Note: This parameter is optional but either virtualNetworkID or virtualNetworkTag must be specified with this API method.
Public propertyVirtualNetworkTag
The network tag that identifies the virtual network to modify. Note: This parameter is optional but either virtualNetworkID or virtualNetworkTag must be specified with this API method.
See Also