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ListVirtualVolumesRequest Properties

The ListVirtualVolumesRequest type exposes the following members.

Public propertyDetails
Specifies the level of detail about each virtual volume that is returned. Possible values are: true: Include more details about each virtual volume in the response. false: Include the standard level of detail about each virtual volume in the response.
Public propertyLimit
The maximum number of virtual volumes to list.
Public propertyRecursive
Specifies whether to include information about the children of each virtual volume in the response. Possible values are: true: Include information about the children of each virtual volume in the response. false: Do not include information about the children of each virtual volume in the response.
Public propertyStartVirtualVolumeID
The ID of the virtual volume at which to begin the list.
Public propertyVirtualVolumeIDs
A list of virtual volume IDs for which to retrieve information. If you specify this parameter, the method returns information about only these virtual volumes.
See Also