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CreateVolumeRequest Properties

The CreateVolumeRequest type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAccess
The access mode for the volume. Only snapMirrorTarget is allowed.
Public propertyAccountID
AccountID for the owner of this volume.
Public propertyAssociateWithQoSPolicy
Associate the volume with the specified QoS policy. Possible values: true: Associate the volume with the QoS policy specified in the QoSPolicyID parameter. false: Do not assosciate the volume with the QoS policy specified in the QoSPolicyID parameter. When false, any existing policy association is removed regardless of whether you specify a QoS policy in the QoSPolicyID parameter.
Public propertyAttributes
The list of name-value pairs in JSON object format. Total attribute size must be less than 1000B, or 1KB, including JSON formatting characters.
Public propertyEnable512e
Specifies whether 512e emulation is enabled or not. Possible values are: true: The volume provides 512-byte sector emulation. false: 512e emulation is not enabled.
Public propertyEnableSnapMirrorReplication
Specifies whether SnapMirror replication is enabled or not.
Public propertyFifoSize
Specifies the maximum number of FIFO (First-In-First-Out) snapshots supported by the volume. Note that FIFO and non-FIFO snapshots both use the same pool of available snapshot slots on a volume. Use this option to limit FIFO snapshot consumption of the available snapshot slots. If unspecified, a default value of 24 will be used.
Public propertyMinFifoSize
Specifies the number of snapshot slots that are reserved for only FIFO (First-In-First-Out) snapshots. Since FIFO and non-FIFO snapshots share the same pool, the minFifoSize reduces the total number of possible non-FIFO snapshots by the same amount. If unspecified, a default value of 0 will be used.
Public propertyName
The name of the volume access group (might be user specified). Not required to be unique, but recommended. Might be 1 to 64 characters in length.
Public propertyProtectionScheme
Protection scheme that should be used for this volume. The default value is the defaultProtectionScheme stored in the ClusterInfo object.
Public propertyQos
Initial quality of service settings for this volume. Default values are used if none are specified. Valid settings are: minIOPS maxIOPS burstIOPS You can get the default values for a volume by using the GetDefaultQoS method.
Public propertyQosPolicyID
The ID for the policy whose QoS settings should be applied to the specified volumes. This parameter is mutually exclusive with the qos parameter.
Public propertyTotalSize
Total size of the volume, in bytes. Size is rounded up to the nearest 1MB size.
See Also