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SolidFireElementModifyVolumeAccessGroupAsync Method

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Public methodModifyVolumeAccessGroupAsync(ModifyVolumeAccessGroupRequest, CancellationToken)
You can use ModifyVolumeAccessGroup to update initiators and add or remove volumes from a volume access group. If a specified initiator or volume is a duplicate of what currently exists, the volume access group is left as-is. If you do not specify a value for volumes or initiators, the current list of initiators and volumes is not changed.
Public methodModifyVolumeAccessGroupAsync(CancellationToken, Int64, String, String, Int64, NullableBoolean, Hashtable)
You can use ModifyVolumeAccessGroup to update initiators and add or remove volumes from a volume access group. If a specified initiator or volume is a duplicate of what currently exists, the volume access group is left as-is. If you do not specify a value for volumes or initiators, the current list of initiators and volumes is not changed.
See Also