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SolidFireElementModifyVolumeAccessGroup Method

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Public methodModifyVolumeAccessGroup(ModifyVolumeAccessGroupRequest)
You can use ModifyVolumeAccessGroup to update initiators and add or remove volumes from a volume access group. If a specified initiator or volume is a duplicate of what currently exists, the volume access group is left as-is. If you do not specify a value for volumes or initiators, the current list of initiators and volumes is not changed.
Public methodModifyVolumeAccessGroup(Int64, String, String, Int64, NullableBoolean, Hashtable)
You can use ModifyVolumeAccessGroup to update initiators and add or remove volumes from a volume access group. If a specified initiator or volume is a duplicate of what currently exists, the volume access group is left as-is. If you do not specify a value for volumes or initiators, the current list of initiators and volumes is not changed.
See Also