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SolidFireElementTestPing Method (NullableInt64, String, NullableInt64, NullableInt64, NullableInt64, NullableBoolean, String, String, String, NullableInt64)

The TestPing API allows to test the reachability to IP address(s) using ICMP packets. Source address(v4 or v6), interface and vlan tag can be specified. If not Bond1G/10G network is used to reach the target address. The test uses the appropriate MTU sizes for each packet based on the MTU settings in the network configuration. Note: This method is available only through the per-node API endpoint 5.0 or later.

Namespace:  SolidFire.Element.Api
Assembly:  SolidFire.SDK (in SolidFire.SDK.dll) Version:
public TestPingResult TestPing(
	Nullable<long> Attempts = null,
	string Hosts = null,
	Nullable<long> TotalTimeoutSec = null,
	Nullable<long> PacketSize = null,
	Nullable<long> PingTimeoutMsec = null,
	Nullable<bool> ProhibitFragmentation = null,
	string SourceAddressV4 = null,
	string SourceAddressV6 = null,
	string Interface = null,
	Nullable<long> VirtualNetworkTag = null


Attempts (Optional)
Type: SystemNullableInt64
Hosts (Optional)
Type: SystemString
TotalTimeoutSec (Optional)
Type: SystemNullableInt64
PacketSize (Optional)
Type: SystemNullableInt64
PingTimeoutMsec (Optional)
Type: SystemNullableInt64
ProhibitFragmentation (Optional)
Type: SystemNullableBoolean
SourceAddressV4 (Optional)
Type: SystemString
SourceAddressV6 (Optional)
Type: SystemString
Interface (Optional)
Type: SystemString
VirtualNetworkTag (Optional)
Type: SystemNullableInt64

Return Value

Type: TestPingResult


ISolidFireElementTestPing(NullableInt64, String, NullableInt64, NullableInt64, NullableInt64, NullableBoolean, String, String, String, NullableInt64)
See Also